Mercedes of the S-class W202

1993-2000 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes W202
+ 1.2. General information
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Lubrication system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. Heating, ventilation
+ 7. System of ignition
+ 8. Fuel system
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Running gear
+ 11. Steering
- 12. Brake system
   12.2. Anti-blocking system – ABS
   12.3. The additional equipment – the ASR system
   12.4. Specifications of the brake system
   12.5. Overlays of front brake shoes
   + 12.6. Overlays of back disk brakes
   12.7. Support
   12.8. Forward brake disk
   12.9. Back brake disk
   12:10. Brake fluid
   12:11. Removal of air from the brake system
   12:12. Brake pipelines / hoses
   12:13. Replacement of brake highways
   12:14. Brake shoes of the parking brake
   12:15. Adjustment of the parking brake
   12:16. Stoplight switch
   12:17. Diagnostics of malfunctions of brakes
   + 12:18. Wheels and tires
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment
+ 14.2. Electrical circuitries

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12:17. Diagnostics of malfunctions of brakes


Too big single way of a brake pedal
Frictional slips are in whole or in part worn-out
Replace brake frictional slips.
Failure of one of contours of braking Check braking contours for leak of brake fluid.
The brake pedal far leaves when pressing and springs
Air in the brake system Remove air from brakes.
Too little brake fluid in a leveling tank Add new brake fluid.
Frictional brake slips are behind strongly worn-out, the payment of the basis of a slip adjoins to a spring Replace frictional slips. Use company frictional slips.
Production of steam. Happens at strong loading, for example, when driving on the pass Replace brake fluid. Remove air from brakes.
Slayuy action of brakes, brake pedal should be pressed to the full
Leakage of the pipeline Tighten elements of connection of the pipeline or replace it.
Damage of a cuff to the main thing or wheel brake cylinder Replace a cuff. At damage of a cuff to the main cylinder replace internal details or the cylinder.
Damage of stationary rubber laying Repair a support.
Bad brake effect, despite strong pressing a brake pedal
Frictional slips are oiled Replace frictional slips.
The unsuitable or hardened frictional slip Replace frictional slips. Use only company frictional slips.
The amplifier of braking is faulty Check usiliteltormozheniye.
Jamming of the piston Provide a free wheeling of a support.
Pollution of hydraulic system Clear, replace brake fluid.
Frictional slips are worn-out Replace frictional slips.
Brakes creak
Frictional slips are worn-out Replace frictional slips.
A consequence of atmospheric influences (humidity of air) is frequent No actions are required if the scratch is observed after the long parking of the car at high humidity and after the first braking does not repeat.
Unsuitable frictional slip Replace frictional slips. Use company frictional slips. Cover the slip basis with paste an anti-scratch.
The brake disk rotates is nonparallel to a support Check a support prileganiye surface.
The polluted wells in a support Clean support wells.
Wrong installation of pistons in supports of back wheels Check 20-degree installation of pistons.
Brakes are blocked at easy braking
Frictional slips are not oiled Replace frictional slips.
The brake drags on spontaneously
The compensation opening in the main brake cylinder is littered Clean the main brake cylinder and replace internal details.
Too small gap between the operating bar and the piston of the main brake cylinder Check a gap (work in repair shop).
Frictional slips do not separate from a brake disk, wheels hard turn a hand
Corrosion in cylinders of supports Repair a support, in case of need – replace.
Uneven wear of slips
Unsuitable frictional slip Replace brake slips. Use company frictional slips.
The support is polluted Clean support wells.
Hard piston stroke Check installation of the piston.
Leakage of the brake system Check tightness of the brake system.
Pulsation of a brake pedal
Too big admission on thickness or a side beating of a brake disk Check a beating and the admission. Finish a brake disk or replace.
The brake disk rotates not parallel to a support Check a support prileganiye surface.
Functioning of the anti-blocking ABS system Does not demand any actions, the normal phenomenon
Vibration of brakes
Unsuitable frictional slip Replace frictional slips. Use only company frictional slips.
Partial corrosion of a brake disk Carefully smooth out a disk a grinding block.
Side beating of a brake disk Finish or replace a brake disk.
The brake pedal slowly falls by easy pressing
Malfunction of the main brake cylinder Replace the main brake cylinder.
Unilateral action of brakes
Air pressure in tires does not correspond to ordered Check air pressure in tires and correct.
Unevenness of wear of tires Replace worn-out tires.
Frictional slips are oiled Replace frictional slips.
Malfunction of a suspension bracket of a wheel or steering Check
Razliny types of slips on one axis Replace frictional slips. Use company slips.
Bad contact of frictional slips Replace frictional slips.
The pipeline is littered Check the brake pressure of all four brakes.
The polluted support wells Clean the surface of landing and guides of a surface of frictional slips in a support.
Corrosion in support cylinders Replace a support.
Uneven wear of frictional slips Replace frictional slips (both wheels).
Brakes heat up in the course of the movement
The compensation opening in the main brake cylinder is littered Clean the main brake cylinder and replace internal details.
Unsatisfactory idling of a pusher of the main brake cylinder Check existence of a sufficient gap between a pedal and a pusher and, in case of need, adjust.
Jamming of the brake piston or its rigidity Restore passability.
The brake pipeline is littered Clean truboporovoda, replace brake fluid.
Wrong adjustment of the parking brake Correctly adjust.